Here's what I learned: Corinne is a fast classic skier. We could barely catch up, then realized she was trying to get far enough ahead so she could play paparazza. Hope she got some good shots, because Jo-Ann and I really tried to be on-form for the camera!
Note Jo-Ann's white gloves. She really out-diva'd us during the tea party! She was wearing pearls, too.
Of course we talked about the upcoming season - as I speculated about whether the skijor trails we were on were packed down enough for biking. Now, just a few days later, having biked home last night in the chinook-induced rain, I bet those trails are just bomber! Anybody else want to find out?
from corinne ~
I thought I ought to add a photo of Rose on the ski. We were talking about the new Diva lingo and what it means to be "diva-ed." We decided that means to be beaten to the end of the trail by someone in more stylish biking attire. Then I despaired that Rose would always be "diva-ing" me! I may have been faster than Rose on skis (only because she has waxless skis) but look at how dashing she was!