Twenty riders gathered for last night's ride on the Bike For Women course in Chugiak. The shoulder was recently swept, making for a ride that was fun, safe and flat-free! Thanks, Bonnie for leading the ride and to everyone who brought treats & tea for after the ride. It was good to feel the warmth of the sun. Even the wind was warm. Good luck at Sunday's event!
Now, about that ride next week we call the "Spring Formal." The first ride in May is always a party ride. (Please make note of the 6:00 start time.) I'll try to answer your questions about the Spring Formal, AKA Prom:
What do I wear? Whatever you like! If that means you visit your favorite thrift shop to find a used prom dress or pull a bridesmaid dress from the back of your closet, go for it! Something shiny, sequins, feather boas? We've seen these too. There is no such thing as overdressed for the Formal. But if you feel too self-conscious or it's a little chilly, a pretty sweater and pearls with capris are always in style. Some people even dress up their bikes with flowers. You can't be too over-the-top for us. A word of caution: be sure your outfit is bike friendly (wouldn't want anything frilly tangled in your chain). And, of course, don't forget your helmet!
The ride: Meet at Elderberry Park, downtown, to ride the Coastal Trail to Earthquake Park and back. This ride looks like a parade to other trail users. Expect smiles and waves as you ride by in your finery. (Be sure to air up your tires and lube that squeaky chain before the ride.)
The potluck: You can drop things off before the ride between 5:30 and 5:45 at Muffin Man Cafe 817. Elizabeth, our gracious host, will meet you at the front door. Or, just show up there after the ride with your potluck dish. What should you bring? That's up to you. A favorite dish you like to share... Your pick.
Leave a comment here if I'm leaving anything out or if you have questions. We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the formal!
posted by Rose
What do I wear? Whatever you like! If that means you visit your favorite thrift shop to find a used prom dress or pull a bridesmaid dress from the back of your closet, go for it! Something shiny, sequins, feather boas? We've seen these too. There is no such thing as overdressed for the Formal. But if you feel too self-conscious or it's a little chilly, a pretty sweater and pearls with capris are always in style. Some people even dress up their bikes with flowers. You can't be too over-the-top for us. A word of caution: be sure your outfit is bike friendly (wouldn't want anything frilly tangled in your chain). And, of course, don't forget your helmet!
The ride: Meet at Elderberry Park, downtown, to ride the Coastal Trail to Earthquake Park and back. This ride looks like a parade to other trail users. Expect smiles and waves as you ride by in your finery. (Be sure to air up your tires and lube that squeaky chain before the ride.)
The potluck: You can drop things off before the ride between 5:30 and 5:45 at Muffin Man Cafe 817. Elizabeth, our gracious host, will meet you at the front door. Or, just show up there after the ride with your potluck dish. What should you bring? That's up to you. A favorite dish you like to share... Your pick.
Leave a comment here if I'm leaving anything out or if you have questions. We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the formal!
posted by Rose