Friday, September 7, 2018

Kincaid - August 5

          Beautiful weather brought out a large group of Divas, anxious to ride at Kincaid!
Nancy's group had a fantastic time riding Middle Earth!
Kersten rides over the boards onto Northwest Passage, a super fun descent all the way down to the Coastal Trail.
Gess glides over the boards.
Nancy also rode the boards into the fun that is Northwest Passage!
Michele and Krista take a selfie with a large black bear in the distance!
The bear was hanging out where Boling Alley meets Mighty Bikes. (photo by Michele)
Several moose were also spotted by Divas on a fun-filled ride! (photo by Michele)

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Powerline - August 8

Cloudy skies and cooler temperatures didn't deter these Divas who rode Powerline to the lakes and back.
A happy group at the lake.
Kristine stops to check out the scenery.
These divas are HAPPY!!! Yippee!
Kersten cruises by for a photo.