Hi Divas -
If you have not already heard, Singletrack Advocates (STA) is urging their members to support changes in state park regulations that will open more areas to mountain and fat bikes - including electric assist versions on certain trails - specifically, the new Hemlock Burn Trail.
You can send your letter of support to dpor.regulations@alaska.gov Letters are due at 5pm on July 29th.
Read the new proposed regulations here: https://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=203004
View the detailed version here: http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/misc/newsrelease/2021/propregchange062821.pdf
Below is a copy of the letter STA sent in support of the regulation changes:
To: dpor.regulations@alaska.gov
STA's Letter of Support
Singletrack Advocates (STA) supports the Alaska Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) proposed regulation changes regarding the use of Alaska State Parks. STA is Anchorage's local mountain bike trail nonprofit that preserves, maintains and creates singletrack trails in our community. Specifically, STA supports the regulation change to allow bicycle use on the Hemlock Burn Trail. Bicycle use on this trail is specified in the Chugach State Park (CSP) Trail Management Plan, and adopting DNR's proposed regulation changes will finally allow bicycle use, which will meet the trail plan's intent. STA and CSP have partnered to develop this amazing trail for our community for biking, hiking and skiing. STA led the development of the trail, raised the funds to build the trail, managed the construction of the trail, and will maintain the trail. Considering STA funded, constructed, and will maintain the Hemlock Burn Trail, this regulation change is necessary to allow bikers to utilize this asset. We are excited to develop this successful partnership with Alaska State Parks to bring world-class recreational opportunities to our community.
STA Steering Committee