In a collaboration Singletrack Advocates & other mountain bikers, fourteen people showed up on Saturday to help on a trail clean-up project in Far North Bicentennial Park. Divas Elizabeth, Bonnie, Mary V. and her daughter Laura and I joined other people for a morning project.
We were hauling out wood that was used to build illegal structures in the park and filling in some holes. Work started the night before when two volunteers cut some wood into manageable chunks we could haul out easily with the bike trailers.
People removed nails, carried lumber by hand and used three trailers to get everything out to the road. We filled post holes and a hole that was created when the renagade trail builders were building a jump. We also tidied up a piece of trail that had a slightly banked turn built on it.
The project went pretty smoothly, and we were especially happy to have new volunteers with young, strong backs to haul and do lots of shoveling! Plus, having the trailers was a great help.
So, thanks go out to the volunteers listed above, plus our wood cutters, Greg & Tim K., and the rest of our Saturday crew: Oscar, Jeff, Ted, Kyle, Nik, Debbie, Carol, Brian and Jon. Well done!
Here are the "after" pics and comments from Mary: "Just a note - I had a great time at the trail clean-up today! I rode one of the bikes with a bob trailer, and got experience in shuttling lumber down the trail. We had a resident moose and everything! We broke one bike chain, but otherwise a group of over 10 people from a variety of groups successfully hauled out wood and filled in holes that damaged the trail. Yippee! We quickly went to work and made a difference. Thanks, Rose, for organizing this. Having 3 bob trailers was great, too. We went to town."
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